I knew this was a possibility, the nurse jumped the gun a little bit. We didn’t quite have confirmation from Dr Rosenshein on Monday that I was done with chemo after 6 treatments. But it was so hard not to announce it! Dr R would like to continue with 3 more chemo treatments based on my initial diagnosis after my surgery back in October. From the beginning he stated 6-9 chemo treatments and since my surgery was so extensive, I am not surprised at all that I am continuing on with chemo for 3 more treatments. I am not bummed. One of my fears was to stop chemo too early. So this is a good thing. I am handling it rather well, everything considered. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you for all of your support. Dr R did say I could wait to get another CT scan until after the 9th chemo treatment, my numbers keep going down, so that’s awesome! -Stef